Family Leadership Council
Members of the Family Leadership Council (FLC) play a leadership role in the Bard community through a range of activities. FLC members develop and participate in on-campus and regional recruiting and mentoring events, promote and provide career opportunities for students, and participate in peer-to-peer fundraising. Parents on the FLC play a prominent role in the success of the Bard College Fund through annual gifts of $1,500 or greater. The Family Leadership Council meets two times each year: once during Family Weekend and once in the spring.
Faculty in the News
Bard’s extraordinary faculty are dedicated to the philosophy of teaching. Today and throughout Bard’s history, members of the faculty have effected change in medicine, the arts and letters, international affairs, journalism, scientific research, and education, among other endeavors.
Stay in Touch
Keep your records up to date. If you have updates or changes to your contact information, please email [email protected].
The Family Programs Office sends out a monthly e-newsletter, Annandale Insider, as well as important messages from the College and news on networking events, student and faculty achievements, and more.